

Use Your Mortgage to Manage Your Debt and Improve Your Credit!

Credit repair by refinancing to get you back on track!

What if there was such a thing as a magic card that you could carry with you, which had the power to open doors for you all over the world? You show someone your magic card and ‘voila’, you can have what you wish for. You would want to protect that card very carefully, wouldn’t you? Your credit is a little like that. Your good credit is a passport to financial opportunities. A poor credit rating can be a terrible obstacle… and repairing your credit is often a slow and difficult process.

What you may not know is that you can actually use a mortgage to re-establish your credit. Canadians are carrying heavier loads of personal debt than ever before. For some, the cost of servicing those debts is itself an obstacle to correcting the problem. Each month can be a chase to make the interest payments to keep the debt afloat. But if debts are rolled into a new mortgage, your credit can improve rapidly, assuming of course that you don’t rack up any new debts!

Here’s how it works:

Perhaps you have maximized your credit cards – and maybe even have a short-term loan or line of credit that you are also trying to pay down in addition to your regular mortgage payments. You may be considered a “high risk” borrower under these circumstances, even if you are managing to squeeze out your payments each month. Your overall payment history is satisfactory, but your debt load is heavy. If you consolidate your debts into a new mortgage, you can better manage those debts while also restoring your credit rating.

You may not have considered using a mortgage to refinance and manage your debts, but there are a few significant advantages. Your status as a homeowner can give you access to a lower overall borrowing rate. A house is considered very reliable security, so mortgages often offer the best rates available anywhere. In addition, your credit history enjoys an almost immediate boost, as you begin to make your monthly payments. There are many innovative mortgage options available today, including a mortgage product that has been designed specifically as a credit repair tool.

This specialized mortgage is good news for clients who are trying to distance themselves from their past credit problems. Debt is controlled quickly – since the new mortgage offers an interest rate lower than credit cards that can dramatically reduce the interest charges on your debt – and your credit typically improves in only a few months.

You probably already know that it makes sense to consolidate your debt into one payment. You can generally enjoy substantial savings on interest charges; you have a more manageable monthly payment and better monthly cash flow. Consider how a new mortgage can help you manage your debts – and make it a goal this year to improve your credit rating.

Bad Credit is like a cold, it can be treated and before you know it your credit score will be better.  Think of “Your Durham Region Mortgage Doctor” as your “Good Credit “health care providers! Call us today feel better soon.  Contact us right now!

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