

Minor Credit Setbacks Can Lead to Bankruptcy!

Act Fast to Avoid Bankruptcy.

Just as the recent world economic crisis wasn’t caused by one particular negative event, so it is with personal financial challenges.  The big difference is you can act as soon as you see that there is a problem rather than waiting for your own financial crisis to  hit.

Don’t wait until the only solution is contacting a Trustee in Bankruptcy!

Often when a family becomes aware of a financial difficulty, they devise a strategy to “Fix” the problem themselves because they’re embarrassed. There’s nothing wrong with this concept, except that they may not know how to get back on track and may not have the necessary resources to do it right.

That’s where we can help!

There are many ways to find your self in a financial rough spot, but knowing that there is someone who is willing to help is a comfort.  That’s “Your Durham Region Mortgage Doctor”

The big problem arises when a person waits too long for help.  Late or non-payment of debts can cause the credit to decline quickly and low enough that lenders no longer want to help.   Alternatively, a high interest rate solution can’t give financial relief anyway.

Don’t wait until it’s too late!

“Your Durham Region Mortgage Doctor” has a vast array of mortgage options that we can offer.  We’ll show you what to do to re-establish clean credit long before your only option is a Consumer Proposal or Bankruptcy.  Call us or Apply on-line today!

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