

Avoid a Holiday Spending Hangover This Year.

Overspending Will Cause More Pain Than Joy!

Holiday spending hangoverRetailers are already making the pitch for your Holiday shopping dollars with glittery store windows and even some sales, but beware, last year the average consumer spent $1600.00 on gifts travel and entertainment.

The problem is most use credit cards to fulfill the dreams of their kids and family members. Then come the payments.  Not too many Canadians pay off their card balances monthly, so if you still have outstanding bills form last year, think twice about compounding it again this December.

Use Santa’s Method

Make a list and check it twice. Who are you buying for, how much are you spending. Can you make something that would cover the small gifts on your list?  Homemade cookies for teachers, the babysitter and the paperboy are always welcome and cost little. Your kids would love the gift of your time, such as a family movie night once a month complete with home made popcorn and pizza! Give a few family-friendly videos, and a hot air popcorn maker as a gift to your kids.

Start Shopping Now and Save

What if you bough a gift or two each week and paid cash. Watch for items to go on sale and then buy then. Over the past few years retailers brought our some of their best items at reduced prices to compete for your dollars.

Shopping On-line Can Save Time and Money.

Shopping on–line offers you the chance to compare several retailers for an item, have it shipped to your home, often for free and that saves on gas that you would spend driving from store to store.

Try to remember that the Holidays are about Peace, Joy and Love.

Its a time to reconnect with family and loved ones.  Its not meant to be a time to impress people with how much you spend.

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